Today, when I was coming home, the cows were very close to the fence by the road. Most of the time they are on the other side. I just happen to have my camera with me (as today was the annual "Book Character Parade" at school) so I stopped, rolled the window down and took these shots. The big mama cow, let's call her Bessie, just stood there and posed for me.
Then a little one, we'll call Elmer, came up to get in the next picture. Like..."hey, what about me?"
These cows are a "landmark" when I tell people how to get to my house. "You go past the field with the Oreo cows, then turn on Becker Cemetary Lane......." It's about as close to living on a farm as I guess I'll ever get. Is it only in Texas that there are cow pastures in between subdivisions and shopping centers?
On another thought..
I have been MIA on this blog because I have been trying to keep up with time flying by. Last week, Chuck and I celebrated our 25th anniversary...well, not really "celebrated" because it was on a weeknight but we did acknowledge it. Redoing our backyard after Ike was our gift to each we spend most of our together time out on the back porch. Look up "unromantic" in Webster''ll see Chuck and Julia. I did get Chuck a gift certificate for a massage as he has been doing alot of hard work in the yard. He is giving me this Silver Bella trip and it counts for all major holidays and celebrations for awhile.
I am almost finished with my Silver Bella head is spinning with how I am going to pack all of my art supplies and just general anxiousness about the whole trip coming up. My good, good friend, Karen Lea...who is going with me to SB, lost her mother last week to a very long battle with Ovarian Cancer. Karen is at peace knowing her mother is no longer in pain....and I hope that Karen is able to have a nice get-away at Silver Bella. I talked her into going with me and neither of us know what we're getting into.
Take time to breathe. Stop and look at the cows. Life is fast.
This is so weird that I should do ALL the way down on your blog, and come across these cows! Yesterday I'm driving by them, and what to my wondering eyes should appear? A baby cow, looking just like his mama, and all the other cows, except................he's brown and white!!! Same pattern, just brown and white. It is the kind of thing that makes you stop and go "hummmm?"