Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Made me...

Made me laugh....today at lunch, I was standing next to one of the kindergarten teachers when she lifted her arm. And there it was....those 3 dots. Then I saw it on another teacher and another. In support of my surprise, anger, dumbfoundedness of Will's latest action, my team wanted to show me support. Aren't they just the greatest....not very mature...but the greatest! Hopefully their dots will come off in the tub tonite, unlike Baby Will's.

Made me hurt.... sore throat attack. On Sunday, I worked in the yard and by the time I went to bed, I had the scratchy throat and stuffy nose. Today I lost my voice. It was this exact time last year that the same thing happened. So I'm thinking allergies. What do you say doc? And I'm also thinking I have a lot to say and I can't. Whew.

Made me smile....conversation that took place today while walking the kindergarten car riders out to the front of the school....

Me: (in a whispery, husky DemiMooreish voice) Okay, let's go.

Her: Why is your voice like that?

Me: Well, my throat hurts. (this is all I could get out as it hurt to say this much.)

Her: (After about a minute) Oh, I get it..... if someone's throat is sore their voice is different?

Me: Yep. Good thinking. (sounded more like sssssscccccccrrrrraaaattttccccchhhhhh)


  1. Oh, my goodness, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry about this. I have a teenaged son, too, and I can only imagine my reaction if he came home with a tattoo a few years from now.

    Your photos are up on my blog today. Wanted to make sure you didn't miss it. People are voting for their favorite fake fotos! -Julia :-)

  2. I love it...the three dots!!!!!!!!! My daughter is losing her voice, too...she teaches 4th grade.

  3. Laugh or cry, those are the choices. Thank goodness you work with some funny ladies that can help you choose. Someday I'll send pics of my sons' front and back torsos and you'll thank your lucky stars (remember...)! Take LOTS of vitamin C and don't talk until you land in Omaha. It's time those kids learned sign language.

  4. Oh my...you made me laugh...twice....
