Monday, August 31, 2009

Dixie Picked A Winner!

A couple of posts ago, I showed the Photo Blocks I had made and asked my readers to comment if they wanted to be in a drawing to win one. Last night was the drawing and
Dixie (my Bichon/Yorkie Poo mix who dreams of being a Retriever)
and Chuck (my husband friend mix) assisted.

I had 9 comments......printed them out and cut them into strips.

I know you're thinking....she could have used one of those random drawing technical gadgets. No, she could not. She is not technical. And she only had 15 minutes until Design Star came on.

I removed all family members....

Catha, you know that's against the rules of all prize drawings.

And you know you will be getting one anyway. (wink)

I wadded each comment up.....professionally.

And yes, those are the hands of a working girl.

My assistants, Chuck and Dixie, are preparing for the drawing.

They will be thrown into the air and then we'll see which one Dixie retrieves.

But first, Dixie had to dance for it.....she spun around 3 times and then.....

They're down and ready for the choosing.

Official time. Right before Design Star comes on.

After saying, "Dixie, get it, get it, get it!"......

she grabs one in her mouth and under the table she goes.

And she is mad. MAD. Do you see that wad of paper in front of her?

She thought it was going to taste like beef. MAD.

And the winner is .................DEBBIE!
Debbie, you didn't leave an email so please contact me through a comment and let me know what colors and what wording you want on your custom Photo Block. Thanks for playing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Julia- What a cute way to pick a winner!!!

  3. I am so glad you got Dixie involved ... where was Maggie?

    Is this the sort of thing you and Chuck plan to do often now that your nest is empty?

  4. OMGosh! Here it is past my bedtime, but I hadn't checked my favorite blog since Saturday...I'm reading along loving the way you had Dixie pick and then at the end THERE IS MY NAME!!! Julia I will let you know soon when I'm a little more alert! Email is (I'm Tricia's friend/co-worker)........I'm so excited!!!!

  5. This was a hoot...What an adorable dog!

  6. I have to say, I am "shocked" that Dixie did not pick me! I really thought she loved me?? I thought we were tight?? (if only in spirit, since I have never met her) :) What a clever way to pick a name. You are so creative Julia!!! Loved the photo progression. What a hoot. p.s. the BOY is really cute!!! Your daughter looks happy!


  7. I'm mad too cuss I'm such a dufus I didn't even know about the drawing; should keep up better. You've had 12,000+ hits? Go sister!

  8. Inquiring readers want to know what comment was removed by the are sooooooooooo intreiging!
