I wanted to post something this evening....this last evening of summer. Before I fall into the large black hole called going back to work. Sometimes when I come in here to post, I feel very selfish. Tonite is one of those times. I know there are people out there who are in deep physical or emotional pain. And while I am not in either of those...I am on the verge of tears. Just the verge. The verge that gives you a little headache. I am at the point where a good cry would actually feel better.
Last week, as I started thinking about returning to school/work and my car rider duty, I almost wanted to cry. I am hot and sweaty in an air conditioned building....so just thinking about standing outside in the heat for at least 30 minutes at the beginning and end of my day....well, like I said.....cry. When you're on the verge of tears, just thinking about sweating can make you cry. So I got my hair cut very short...and went back to high maintenance highlights. I was trying to save money by coloring it myself...but I'm over that. Here's a before and after. The after doesn't really show how short it really is, but it does feature my long ears. I really don't know when that happened. Cry.

Another thing...Cameron just left to go back to College Station.....and it seems I have fallen in love with her cat. I know. Stupid. But I'm just being honest. I'm going to miss that cat. He and I spent a lot of time together this summer....while his mama was at work. He made me laugh. He's a funny cat. I know I sound like a stupid cat lady....but this is the only cat I have ever bonded with. Cry.
I will miss Cameron, but she's been like a ship in the night. We barely passed each other this summer. She was a working girl......leaving at 7:45 am and going to bed early. My schedule was more like Brunch to Midnight Buffet. I know she's ready to get back to College Station and get on with her senior year.....and order her Aggie ring tomorrow. Cry.
And then there's Will. Who leaves tomorrow for Jack Camp. This is the freshmen orientation camp for Stephen F. Austin. The camp where they spend the whole week playing silly games and doing alot of bonding around a campfire. He just informed us he's not going to like it one bit. He's not into that kind of stuff. That's not how he makes friends. Cry.

Oh, and he broke down last week and finally told us he didn't want to go away. Cry.

But he's going. And I am going to miss this sweet boy. Cry.
And this morning in church, I sat beside and behind two of my friends....teachers I adore and have the honor of working with. I love that they are there. And that we can sit by each other and hear the same message. Cry.
If you've ever noticed the words in the header of this blog...Changing Moods Daily....it's because I never know what the post is going to be about. Today I am feeling a little teary. But I'll be okay. We're all going to be okay. Thanks for stopping by.
Sweet girl, you have reasons to feel teary, especially two of them. When our little chicks leave the nest, no matter how many times, a little piece goes with them. Mine live between you and me but when they come for dinner and leave, there is still that tug. Yours won't be home for dinner for awhile so that piece feels like a chunk! Sorry about the car rider line, that just SUCKS! Carry on and your ears are beautiful like the rest of ya! Hair is looking good!!!
ReplyDeleteOk, I have to say, I love your hair! I would cry too if I had to be in the car rider line.....who knows, maybe this year I will, and like you, I will CRY! Also, the picture of Will as a little boy, I have to admit,,,,,almost,,,cried! He looks so precious!!! Then to top it off, he says he doesn't want to go away,,,,,sniff, sniff!Not to long ago, I was looking at pictures of my boys when they were little,,,,,,CRY! Where did the time go??? Loved your blog, and I still can't remember my password!!! Linda CCCCCCCCCCCC
ReplyDeleteIf I was there I would take you out to lunch and let you cry and hug your neck. I won't be able to stand it if either of my little chicks tells me they don't want to go. That's so hard! Your hair should cheer you up though, cuz girl, you are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteYour hair looks great.
ReplyDeleteI should stop there.
Just cry.... you deserve a good cry. My son didn't want to go to fish camp either and he didn't like it. But he survived as you know Will will survive. These boys know how to push our buttons.
Don't fret... they all come back home now after college!
ReplyDeleteYou will make it through your "hot" weeks and then it's on to other things. It is always hard to see the passage of time right before our eyes...it is just scarey. But, then new things will happen and that will be good. I know a lot about new things, and I always survive though I just can't see how at the time.
ReplyDeleteSee you soon, after you are cooled down.
I remember the not so long ago days of saying goodbye to my girls when they left for college. Never easy:) I have to tell you I thought I was the only modest woman left until I saw your solution to the shower doors! I quickly went and bought my own over the door hooks and hung up our towels. So much better - thanks for the idea!
ReplyDeleteoh god, my heart hurts now. you are such a great writer. i feel your emotions and that's not something i can say about too many blogs. hope the year is swift and the holidays are here b4 you can say hayride LOL!
ReplyDeletewe still haven't gotten together but with my little guy starting preschool this week i am finally going to start having some free time. let's do coffee sometime! i have a ridiculous amount projects to do but i'd love to visit with you!
Little Miss "I don't cry"? Good, it's time, get it out. Those are now things I'm crying about and I'm changing adult diapers...