Friday, November 19, 2010

Everybody needs a friend.....

Chuck is an introvert (no secret) and for our 27 years of marriage, I can only count 3 friends that he has considered  good friends.  I, on the other hand, am an extrovert (big secret) and have always had several circles of friends spinning in my world.  I like a lot of friends in my world....some make me laugh, some  are younger, some older, some give me great advice, some go back as far as my childhood, one is my sister.  There's Bunco, Book Club, neighbors, co-workers, Sunday School, crafting buddies, phone friends, fb and blogger friends.
But Chuck?

Chuck is probably one of the nicest people I know. He is really the nicest person I know, but since I live with him, I do see a little bit of his stubborn take a few points away for that. Everybody likes Chuck. And Chuck likes everybody. But he doesn't really have friends outside of work friends.  Except those "3" I mentioned earlier...from the past.

A few years ago, I told Chuck he needed a hobby so he could make friends outside of work.  Like golf, softball, church activities.  You know what he came up with?  Coin collecting.  yep. 
 Coin collecting does not require any conversation or leaving the house. Does that speak volumes about how Chuck feels about socializing outside of work?  

Then a while back, I asked Chuck who his friends are.  (People,  I have to work hard at conversations with quiet Chuck...I've already asked favorite food, favorite color, favorite book.)  Chuck thought a minute and said a couple of names of co-workers then added John.  John works for another company who partners with Chuck's company on a project.  He actually lives in Chicago and commutes to Houston for the work week.....each week....and has for the last 5 years.

Well, John is leaving the project and moving on to a new one in a different city.  Chuck's good friend John will be missed.  Not just by Chuck, but by me.....who liked knowing that Chuck had a good friend. 

The last 10 days have been about saying goodbye to John at work.  A going away party at work, and two different dinners out this week.  I told Chuck he should take his picture with John before he last night at dinner, he did.


The worst part about having friends?  Saying goodbye. 


  1. Yes, that is true...

    ..Hi :-) this, I believe, is the first time I have commented.

  2. What a great photo. Sad meaning, but great shot.


    p.s. I forgot to sign my post on Aging Gracefully. You will know it by the squishy belly, flabby arms and jiggly thighs! HA

  3. Hello :-)
    I found you through google image. I was searching up tatoos (because I needed to draw a design)and I saw your son's 'orion's belt'. I got interested in the story behind the tatoo so I read some more... and suddenly, I'm following you.

    I liked your blogs about the kindergarten. And some of your posts were really depressing in a kind of "slap in the face" manner.

    I hope I'm not seen as a stalker!

    An old soul in a young body. That's an interesting view. I never thought of it like that.

  4. My Jim is the same way. Sometimes I worry about it. Oops, there's the worrying again! I think I'm just afraid that once he retires he will sit around waiting for me to entertain him. Plus my girlfriends are so important to me that I feel like he should experience that too. I think it's just different for men.
