Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thankful for The Getaway....

For years.....and years.......and years, Thanksgiving was always at my house or my sister's and days and dollars were spent preparing the huge meal that took all of 10 minutes to eat and 2 hours to clean up after.  Pessimist?  A little.  Of course, I always loved the time with the family....especially the cousins playing and bonding.  But there was a point in my adult life when I realized this was a lot of work and maybe tradition needed to be broken. 

So for a few years I convinced Chuck to go somewhere for the Thanksgiving break.  I had friends who went skiing or cruising or mini-vacationing over this break in school...and I was ready for this change.  These trips were way more fun for me than my kids.  I am married to a traditionalist and have given birth to 3 more traditionalist.  I'm more of the "whatever works this year" kind. So while I'm met with lots of complaining when I suggest we go somewhere,  I know they will understand one day.......when they are the adults in charge of this holiday. 

It's been a while since we've gone somewhere for Thanksgiving, so this year I was ready for another getaway.  My friend Mary suggested Lakeway Resort on Lake Travis near Austin.  It turned out to be the perfect place.  Just 2 1/2 hours away (that somehow Chuck's navigation system turned into a 4 1/2 route.......I am not took us the longest route possible to get to this place but Chuck believes in this thing......thank goodness it didn't tell us to pull INTO the lake) it was the perfect place to just chill out.

It was exactly what I was looking for.....

Leave the relatives behind.....

 enjoy a little water skiing and relaxation.......

.....let the others do the cooking.......

.....while I spent some one on one with the old man.

Kidding......those pictures were in the lobby of the restaurant and I just had to share them with you.  Seriously, though, I did get what I was looking for.

I was looking for a getaway....a different view out of the window.  An escape from the rat race of life.  A time to stop and spend time with my family without the distractions of our lives.

And I got it.  Thanks to Chuck for agreeing.  Thanks to Mary for the suggestion.  Thanks to my kids for going along.  Happy Birthday to me.  Happy Thanksgiving to us.

But I also got a little bit of normal. 

This was Wednesday evening, my birthday.  Let's just say I had way too much birthday beverage....thanks to my sweet husband Chuck who is never allowed to order my drinks ever again.  Ever.  Again.  And my daughter in this picture?  She hasn't had a beverage yet. 

Later she and Will went down to the Capitol steps in Austin for the Aggies' midnight yell practice.  Will was approached by a homeless man who offered him some weed.  Well, now.  We paid for them to take a taxi there and back so no worries about them driving.
Thursday was full of sleeping in, eating a good meal, taking naps and watching the Texas Aggies beat the H. E. Double L out of the Longhorns.  I have some very good friends who are Longhorns.......but really, it was our year.  Surely they understand.

Cameron and Chuck watched the game in the bar with a large crowd....some Aggies, some Longhorns.   I stayed for about a half  hour then decided to head back to my room with a good book.  I have this supernatural power that few know about.  When I leave the room.....the football team Chuck is pulling for starts scoring and winning.  So you're welcome Aggies.  I do what I can.

Of course, because one kid was happy, the other was bored.  Will let me know he was bored but like any good mother, I said "get over it."

We headed home on Friday afternoon....after a little eating and shopping.  The next part of the story deserves its own post.  So to be continued..........

P.S.  We missed Jordan and Chris.


Hope your Thanksgiving was just what you wanted.


  1. Sounds wonderful to me! We went to my newly married daughter's house! Her MIL and I brought lots of the food..but it was great not "being in charge". I said to's a lot of work for something that's over pretty quickly, isn't it. She nodded...she has years to go...

  2. As the mother of 2 married daughters I have learned to share (some times I still struggle with this) the holidays with their many in-laws. This year it was just my husband and I - we ate out, which I so enjoyed - but I think next time I'll plan a short trip like you did - sounds wonderful.

  3. Hummm, I think you left out the most fun you had all weekend! The conversation with strangers by the pool and firepit! It was nice to meet you guys.
    Kimberley and Tony
