Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Red Birds

I'm not sure there is an age where you can "see" the brain development, like the age between 5 and 6. Maybe the age between 0 to 1 or 2 to 3. My point is, one of the most awesome things to observe is a child who is developing right before your eyes. At the beginning of kindergarten many children walk in knowing alot of things......the alphabet, the letter sounds, the numbers, the colors, the shapes. But many don't know these things yet. Whether they are just not ready or they have not been exposed, some are way behind others at the beginning of the year. And those are the ones to watch.

Put in some long days, some hard work and watch it pay off by listening to a child read to that didn't even know his letters 9 months ago. I love it.

I can't even remember learning to read. My memories don't seem to go back that far. But I can remember that I was in The Blue Birds and I knew that was the best readers in the class. Thank you God for that blessing. And God bless The Red Birds.

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