Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Cameron is working on an oil rig near Fort Worth for about a month.  Jordan is in Fort Worth for a conference for a few days.  So they met up last night for dinner...and I woke up to this picture this morning.  A picture of "women." 

I know they're women. But when I'm around them together they still seem like my girls. And I'm guilty of looking at them as my "little" girls. So seeing this today, I looked at them as women.



  1. Working on an oil rig? Wow! I can't imagine that surreal feeling. Don't even want to think about the fact that my girls will both be women before I know it.

  2. It's more fun than it sounds like, if you don't mind coming home to the hotel every night covered in grease and mud :)

    And mama- thank God my hair didn't stay red..

  3. Nice pinwheel... and you probably still look at us like little girls because we act like little girls when we're around one another.

  4. This is such a cute picture. Memories are Precious and so are our Babies.
