Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Birthday William Ross

The baby...

... that was adored by his two sisters and parents and could get away with things simply because he was #3...and by #3 we had learned to choose our battles...

the 4 year old who sat down in the middle of the field during t-ball games...

 the kid who ordered catfish off the menu when he was 6 and had never eaten it before...we tried to talk him out of it because he had never had it before and he said, "Nope, I want catfish." ...and he ate every bite...

the boy who hated homework and would make the whole family miserable when he had it...and Lord help us if it was a project due in 3 weeks because there would be 3 weeks of misery and complaining...

the junior high boy who, along with a few others, poured their leftover lunch in to a girl's binder because she left it on the table...and I received a phone call from the Assistant Principal that my son had vandalized another student's property...and he and the others later had to serve detention for it and help buy her a new binder...and when asked why he would do that?...he responded "to teach her a lesson because she always left her binder"....while I knew full well, it was peer pressure to do something naughty...wicked fun at the time...

the teenager who jumped out of a moving car...because he thought he could keep running a la Roadrunner cartoons...and gave us the scare of our lives...I still shudder to think how badly he could have been injured...

the young man who has a bleeding heart for others and goes to the animal shelter just to pet the strays...

the guy who never liked team sports but is extremely athletic...

that baby, that boy, that junior high kid, that teenager, that guy is finally an adult.  He turns 21 today.  And I thank God for His protection over him.  It took a village to raise him and a mighty God to protect him. 

Happy Birthday William Ross! 

1 comment:

  1. I still think of a funny story every time you mention his birthday or age. He's special and wonderful.
