Sunday, March 15, 2009

Who taught that boy to dance?

Well, it seems a video of my son's talent portion of the Mr. CyWoods contest is up on YouTube. It's not great camera action, but if you click on below and fast forward to 3:28 you will see a tall, lanky boy in a white tshirt and black vest dancing with 2 young ladies. To say I was shocked at his ability is an understatement. Whether I'm proud or not is still to be decided.

All I have to say is "Shake it, don't break it..........took mama 9 months to make it."
(remember go to minute 3:28 for Will's part)


  1. I loved it! Glad my kids graduated before You Tube! rofl You should be proud...he did good!

  2. I'm with you, girl, I don't even want to know anything behind this story! If I didn't know his parents I say he was really great and he certainly seemed to entertain the crowd (yep, had the sound on too). It's best if we don't know everything about our kids-I often have to stop one of them mid-story but they too have to do the same with me more often than not. TMI but way talented. He might be a dancer in one of Mark's plays on a sideline...weekend project... instead of going to Camp David...
