Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Rock

Rocks are solid, firm, quiet..
 a foundation for others

And that would be Chuck.
  He's the rock of this family. 

I'd like to think I knew that when I met him, fell in love
 and committed to forever with him. 
 But I know now I never could have known what a foundation
 he would be for me and our future children.
 I do remember thinking he was the nicest guy, so calm and he
 had a college education with a good job. 
He was different than most of the guys I knew...
as I did a lot of shopping for my future husband
 in disco and country western bars. 
I mean, it was the late 70's and early 80's. 
Single and living in a big city ... rowdy places, music blaring,
 dancing the night away on the dance floor. 

And while Chuck was cute and nice, he the silent type.
And it took me awhile to notice who he really

This one was a friend first...introduced by a high school friend when they came to town.
 He was quiet.  Have I mentioned he was quiet?  I mostly ignored him for 4 years 
in a circle of friends that got together often.

I should explain it wasn't every day for 4 years.
 I saw Chuck a few times a year over a 4 year period...always with in a group
of friends at parties, going to the movies, going to the beach. 

  Like a rock on the ground...sitting there still and quiet
...he didn't get my attention much.

And then, after 4 years of friendship, he asked me on a date. 
 Which led to many dates and finally a relationship.
  I think the rabbit coat he gave me that Christmas
was the real turning point. wink

On this Father's Day of our 29th year of marriage,
 he is still quiet, introverted, nice, calm and
has been a hard worker all of these years. 
 What I love most of all is that he has proven to be the rock
...the steady...the foundation for our family. 
 He has proven to be much more than I was looking for. 

And the best thing he has ever given me is our three children.

Thank you, Chuck, for helping me take care of the babies...
even if you were asleep, too.

Thank you, Chuck, for the awkward family photos. 

If you, the reader, only knew how he looked at the photographer
 when she asked him to lie down on that floor pillow. 
 But he agreed....because I clenched my teeth at him. 

This picture makes me laugh now...
because it is so opposite of Chuck to pose like that.

Thanks for holding on to the frame of the swing set so
 that all 3 kids could swing at the same time. 
Without you, they would have flown off. 

You are the steady of this family.

You are the rock of this family.

Happy Father's Day, Chuck...
you are my rock.

P.S. to Chuck:  I'm sorry I'm not good about buying cards.  I always mean to, and then time sneaks up on me.  So last night when I told you I didn't get you a card but I would do a blog post for kindly said, "that's better than a card."  So here's your post.  I love you.

And P.S.S. to our fathers above:  You were the first foundation and set the examples of what a husband and father should be.  We love you and miss you everyday...but you are in our DNA and our hearts and our memories.  And it is you I thank for the wonderful rock I have.  To Billy Hackney for raising such a fine man.  And to Bill Langley for being such a good father to me and a wonderful husband to my mother...setting the first example of what a good father and husband should be.


  1. Way to make me cry with the P.S.S. And I remember swinging many times watching the pole come in and out of the ground... he truly was holding it down. Thanks for marrying a good daddy!

  2. Beautiful post, Julia. You made me cry, too! You are blessed my friend!!! Linda Ccccccccccccc

  3. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful man. You are lucky to have each other!

    P.S. I was in Houston for a few hours last week on my way to Paris. I flew from Indy, to Chicago, to Houston, to Paris. A long day. Wish I could have seen you.

  4. What an amazing story and I was even there for most of it! You both won the lottery. What a blessing to have such a wonderful, loving, strong man and father for your children for a fabulous woman! And we did have the best daddies.
